Wednesday, March 28, 2012

rights taken for granted

My dad always encouraged myself and those around me to write and use every opportunity to express our thoughts. People have fought, died, and protested for centuries so that I can have the right to speak my mind. I can't promise anything profound, thought provoking, or even entertaining. I'm just taking the advice of one of the wisest men I've known. The pathetic excuse for a journal I've kept for years has only become good for collecting dust and random entries every six or so months. Besides, I've been in the market for a new distraction to keep me occupied. Whether it's a funny story, an interesting conversation, or challenging life trial, I plan on using every opportunity to record my journey living an intentional life. They used to say the most dangerous weapon in the world is a black man with a library card. Let's see what kind of damage I can do with a blog 

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