Jealousy finds a way to seep into every part of our personal lives, and manifest itself through any medium possible. It is the main reason Facebook has become one of the most popular sites in the world. We post pictures having a great time with friends/family in hopes that people will be jealous of our amazing life. We brag about a fun night out and inside jokes on each other's walls in hopes that people will be jealous that we've become that close with someone. We make sure to post regularly and often on a friend's wall so that everyone knows you've marked your territory. If you believe this isn't the case, then ask yourself why the whole invention of "E-mail" never took off like Facebook. I'm willing to bet you have more Facebook friends than e-mail addresses. Everything that is shared on Facebook could be shared through e-mail just as easily. What's the difference???.... E-mail isn't available for PUBLIC viewing. We care more about proving to people that we are loved, than we do actually being loved.
Think of all the people who will never set foot in a church again because jealousy led to them being treated horribly. Think of all the crimes that have been committed in this world because someone was envious of another person. Think of all the marriages that failed because the couple couldn't stop comparing their marriage to everyone else. Think of all the good friendships that have ended because one person was too jealous to share THEIR friend with anyone else.
For most people, there isn't a motivational speaker on this Earth that could motivate, drive, and push them more than jealousy. Our God is a jealous God, and we were created in his image. It makes sense that this is such a huge struggle in our lives. If only for one day, I'd love to wake up and feel like I have everything I could ever want in this life. I've grown so tired of my prayers sounding like I'm reading a Christmas list to Santa. It would feel so incredible if I could spend time in prayer doing nothing but praising God simply for being God. Instead, I drone on and on and on about everything I need, then I throw in a quick request or two for loved ones so I don't come off sounding self-absorbed. If I'm sick of it, I can only imagine how God feels. Even as we constantly say that we are happy and content with life, our actions continue to state the honest feelings loud and clear: "I'd really be happy if I could just have more..."
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